Thursday, March 06, 2008


My friend Theo (mathematician, philosophizer, programmer, Christian, blogger, pontificator) recently created his own website for blogging, journaling, ... etc. He invited me to join his blogging community and I thought it sounded like a fun opportunity to blog with people I know who also enjoy blogging. It will be cool to read their blogs and have them read mine as well.

I started a blog on his site called jason in real life. On this blog I mostly write down my thoughts on health, politics, news, religion, and other real life topics. I'm also co-blogging on a blog there about with a theme of science and creationism.

Don't worry, I plan to continue to blog on this website as well. I think I will mainly blog about more personal stuff on this site, but who knows. I could mix it up a little bit.

I hope you enjoy my new blogs! And be sure to check out the other scrogglers while you are there as well.

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